Friday, April 30

Warm weather means flowers

Edouard Vuillard -Flowers

Maybe this weekend I will visit the cherry blossom in 
whatever you have planned 
enjoy your weekend

Thursday, April 29

Tuesday, April 27

Elana Herzog books

Last week I had the privilege of viewing two of
Elana Herzog's handmade books in person
Beautiful, Inspirational

Maybe you hadn't noticed, if not, then no need to read on...........
but if you have, posting has a been a little light recently
as i have been so busy with this work here in NYC.
but i am gathering lots of tasty pieces for you upon my return.

Friday, April 23

The New Anthropologie Store

As I mentioned in an earlier post last week I went to the opening of the new
Anthropologie store in Chelsea, NY.

It was full of all the Anthropologie goodies 

I loved the paper sculptures in the window display
What a great colour palette

and these fabric swatches pinned to the wall

I want to do this in my home

Also loved this display boat

and the sentiment.........

destination unknown

It got me thinking.....
especially as I am in New York City
Everyone is so busy.
Everyone is going somewhere.... quickly
We forget to
So this weekend, don't get caught up in running all those errands that
need to be done.
Take an hour or two
to walk home the long way.
To explore a new street.
If you are always looking down
Look up
 Tear up your map
disconnect your GPS
and have a great weekend.

Monday, April 19

Thursday, April 15

Head down and fast

I haven't turned my back on you I have just been so so busy with my new busy NY life. 
Work all day, 
friends to see, 
people to meet 
food to eat
research to be done........
I literally haven't stopped since I arrived.

Portrait of an elderly man by Frans Hals

 This weekend I hope to visit The Frick  
one of my favourite Ny museums.

Fred Shand Rug from Anthropologie

Tomorrow I am off to the opening of the New Anthropologie store in Manhattan 

So much to do so much to see

Head down and fast .........that's how one walks in NY

Friday, April 9

New York New York

Tomorrow, I will be boarding an aerplane to my beloved NYC, where I previously lived for 10 years.
I will be there for a month working on an exciting project .......(more on that at a later date)
Here are just some of the things I am looking forward to doing/seeing while I am there.

American Women, Fashioning a National Identity 

Walking the Brooklyn Bridge again
The Artist is present
An evening of culinary delight at
recommended by Liberty London girl

and seeing old friends
  photo by Irving Penn

I will of course be keeping you all up to date with my travels and experiences.
Would love to hear if you have any other recommendations?

Thursday, April 8

Jennifer Anderson

Japanese pattern

The end

These Paintings left me breathless....
paintings shown with kind permission from the Artist

Tuesday, April 6

Magnificent Irish Fashion

This incredible fashion shoot was created by Stylist Jan Brierton and Photographer Lorna Fitzsimons

Here are some interesting facts about this shoot 

1 Most of the pieces created are by Irish designers 
Aine Mcdonnell
and me:  Helen James

2 The shoot was styled and shot and sent out to major newspapers and magazines in Ireland

3 It was never published................................

Why? Why was this innovative and remarkable shoot, that celebrates the talent in this country,  never used.
You would think that with tight budgets Periodicals would jump at the chance to publish these images that are handed to them on a platter!
I do not understand
Maybe one of you; my readers, know why
Maybe one of you works in the print industry here and you can explain why these pictures which are magnificent and extol the work being created here have never before seen the light of day.

UPDATE: After the incredible response to these images publishing them may be pursued once more.
I will keep you updated and thanks for all your encouraging words.

Photographer Lorna Fitzsimons
Stylist Jan Brierton
Stylists assistant was Tara Walsh
Hair  Noel Sutton
Make up Natalie Kinsella

Monday, April 5


Painting by Cy Twombly

Drawing by Corey Daniels via photographer S Cramp

Quote from David Horvitz Via wish jar 
When I was in College at the start of every drawing class 
we had to scribble on the page for 20 minutes.
This was to loosen us up.
We had to draw blindfolded.
We had to draw with our "other" hand (left for me)
Now that College is a distant memory
One can get so caught up in the "finished product",
the humdrum of running a business,
Pleasing the client,
that you can forget to get back to the root 
of what drives your creativity.
I recently purchased 
is something I will be
Visit Keri's inspiring blog