Tuesday, March 16

Happy St Patricks day

For those of you missing the Emerald Isle this St Patricks day here is a picture of some woods in Westmeath.
and with some Imps..................

photographs by Helen James


  1. Beautiful! I get so homesick around March 17th!

  2. Do you know, I have never been to Ireland with a name like Healy that seems disrespectful to my ancestors. Happy Saint Patrick's day to you. Lovely Imps.

  3. Debra you must come...I'll put the kettle on

  4. Not surprising at all, you have a great eye! I wonder how I would do at fashion design?? hee...

  5. Helen - Thanks for the wishes. I am Irish born (Kinvara) and presently at Indian Rocks Beach Florida - a beautiful old fashioned seaside resort. I do miss the beautiful memories of a childhood in Ireland, outside finding the perfect shamrock to dig up and wear to mass and those beautiful old hymns such Hail Gloria Saint Patrick, dear saint of our isle..
    The Blessings of the Day on you and your family
