Wednesday, March 24

New Growth, New Talent

The dawning of the new season is always one of my favourite times of year. Winter was long and very very cold this year. Spring is making it's entrance a little late, but we wait with much anticipation. Daffodils are in bud, soon a golden sea will sway on my front lawn.

Packets of seeds lie patiently with pledges of staggered planting, crop rotation and  bountiful harvest ringing in my ear.
all above images by Helen James

The delicate primroses surprise with their strength and push through the debris of last years growth.
There is a lot of work to be done and I look forward to it.
All of this advancement in the garden has me thinking about growth in other areas and last week I had the opportunity to encounter some, which is the growth of talent in Ireland. 
I was impressed by the collections of the 3 newcomers who showed at The Golden egg Innovation Awards. 

Ruth Duignan
Image of Ruth via The Irish Times

Not only were all three collections beautiful but the three designers showed professionalism and maturity that will stand to them in this difficult business.
I believe as a country we really need to nuture all this talent. We are in danger of witnessing another "brain drain" of the 1980's where all of our Talent left our shores in search of opportunity. We cannot let this happen again. Talent and creativity are at the core of a vital and thriving country, without this we are a vacum.
One way this nurturing is already happening is through The Nokia Young Fashion Designer Award, now in its seventh year.

If you are near Dublin head along today to Powerscourt Townhouse in Dublin 2  where you can view the creations of 20 finalist students from around the country who are all vying for the Title.
This is the first year that the pieces have been on view to the public, so take the opportunity to check out emerging creativity.
The show will run through until Sunday March 28th
The Winner will be announced this evening.

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