Monday, April 9

Food Blogging baking

The loveliest thing about having a few free days 
Is having some time to bake 
The first thing on my list was 
Imen from
I Married an Irish Farmer's

and I can attest that this is a perfect brown soda bread
moist and crumbly
and full of flavour
I added sunflower seeds to mine

Imen has been nominated for the
Saveur food blog awards
you can vote for her here
It would be a much deserved win in my opinion
Yesterday evening Imen tweeted about 
a baking blog that is also nominated for an award

What a beautiful blog!
Maybe you already know about it
and if so .... why didn't you tell me !
The photography is stunning
so late last night I just had to try the recipes
-as great photography is all well and good but if the recipes don't work? 
pufh! well I wouldn't like to send you there and 
not be able to back up my recommendation.
So, in the spirit of blog research and authenticity 
I fired up the stove yesterday evening

As I had an abundance of chocolate left from Easter
I decided to make the 

(actually there is no chocolate in the cake, but there is in the frosting)

Oh goodness these were delicious
so moist 
I couldn't believe that I had made them myself

I halved the frosting recipe and still had way too much 
but they were truly delicious cupcakes 

NOTE* in call me cupcake recipes 1dl = 100 ml 
and is a volume measure
in case, like me, you had no idea what is was 

all images Helen James


  1. Helen, thank you!
    I personally think you should join the food blogger ranks....
    I am coming over for coffee and cupcakes soon...let's plan something kinfolk-y and creative involving food + countryside cut to the perfect music track......? x

  2. hmmm food for thought !!
    i was thinking the same thing a luncheon maybe
    I don't know if i have your email and don't see one on your blog
    can you email me ?
    I am excited

  3. Congrats Imen! Katie Quinn is also nominated, have never been let down by any of her recipes and the photography is gorgeous -

  4. Yes Aoife I love what katie ate too, so many fabulous food blogs ......... so few notches left on my belt.....
