Friday, June 1


Flowers, flowers, flowers
How I love them
I missed my garden so much whilst in NYC
The first Roses are blooming
and I am waiting in anticipation for the Climber at the back
of the border that is a wall of tiny pale pink double roses
with the most beautiful delicate scent
For now I must content myself with
Deep red Astrantia, Pink and Purple Aquilega, Geranium, Chive and the beautiful "Veilchenblau" rose, the first to bloom this year
and the garden is bursting with greens, so lush after the recent heat and wet,
all of the above flowers have beautiful greens that can be used
and there is also 
Mint, honeysuckle, Lady's mantle, Narcissus, Fennel
I like a lot of greens in my bouquets
I think that is a mistake many make
not enough greens

It doesn't have to be in a fancy vase either

a jam jar tied with a piece of twine

you can also see above some frost damage on a rose leaf
I don't mind that
I like my flowers naturalistic, 
I like to mix textures
but keep my palette tight 

The bouquet can be simple, just a few buds with greens

Often if I am having people over 
I will do many small poseys
group them together for the table
and then afterwards, sprinkle them around the house 

This also has the affect of covering the containers and gives a very abundant feel to the table
and gives you flowers for many rooms
every room should have flowers or failing that, a living plant

We are well on our way to High summer and I cannot wait, blossoms, blooms and bouquets
all summer long....

Do you put flowers in your rooms?


  1. That would be me too: any period of living away from my garden (which is inclined to grow wild) makes me feel subdued. It's clear how much you love your flowers in your listing of their names.

  2. MIse I only know tha names of the ones I like :)
    .......... kind of like people !

    deleted above comment because of a typo not a rude/lude statement!!!
    it looks so suspect they way it comes up ........ comment removed by author
