Friday, October 26

Crab Apple Ice cream

 This year's crop of Crab Apples was not as prolific as last,
but still there were quite a few
I thought about what to do with them
Last year I made Crab Apple Jelly
and while it was delicious the truth is we still haven't worked our way through it all
So inspired by this post 
I poached my crab apples 
and used the syrup to make 
Crab Apple Ice cream
I added yoghurt to my Ice cream mix 
which gives it an added depth of flavour
and I particularly love yoghurt
You can use any basic ice cream mix you like 
and simply swirl in the syrup at the end
I wouldn't really call this a recipe
more like a bunch of stuff that you throw in the ice cream maker until it tastes good.....
If you don't have an ice cream maker then you may want to use another method that adds more air prior to freezing
This one looks particularly good
although I haven't actually made it 
I saw Mary Berry make it last week 
and it looked easy, simple and delicious

To Make the Crab Apple syrup
Place the Crab Apples in a sauce pan
(I left the stalks on because they look pretty and also because it makes them easy to pick up )
cover with equal parts water and sugar
simmer until you get a thickish syrup and the crab apple skins start to split
(about 5 min)
You can keep the Crabapples in some of the syrup in a jar in the fridge 
to serve alongside the Ice cream

RECIPE (If you can call it that)

250g of cream
250g of yoghurt( I use Greek)
Icing sugar to taste
5 TBSP crabapple syrup

combine and pour into ice cream maker
when it is ready 
place in a tub and swirl in about 5 more TBSP of the syrup 
there you have it
Crab Apple Ice cream

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